Spiritual Guidance
with Gene Keys

artwork by Piper Sattva
Cyclical Consciousness
and the Sacred Feminine
a 4-week online course
October 25 - November 15
7-9 pm EST
As the Sacred Feminine arises through the groanings of the crumbling patriarchy, human consciousness shifts to a new and ancient cyclical patterning
All of creation bears witness to the cyclical nature of Reality. The wax and wane of the moon, the stars and planets that move from their place and return, the changing of seasons, ebb and flow of the tides, and the mysteries of life, death and rebirth all echo the curvaceously feminine ecosystems of the cosmos. Yet, we have flattened out these cyclical turnings into linear markers of progress measured in segments of from here to there, a contained world defined by values that are not our own. We forget the inevitable spirals of turning and re-turning that brings us back to our creative, primordial origins of receptivity, wholeness, and interconnectedness. The linear form of human consciousness (and the left hemisphere of the brain) is deeply entrenched in the exclusively masculine images of God that have held sway for millennia, upheld patriarchy, and thrown Earth’s entire ecology out of balance.
This four week course is an invitation back into the fullness of cyclical consciousness and our balanced, ecological, interwoven selves. The movement of the Sacred Feminine, flowing across time and space, is reawakening our energy body, our physical and emotional body, our intraconnection with trees and waters, land and creatures, and with the Source of life itself.
This program is for you if you have sensed the divine feminine calling you into another way of being in the world in contrast to patriarchal systems and institutions.
The way of relationality and belonging
The way of interconnection and embodiment
The way of perceiving beyond entrenched stories
The way of the heart over the tyranny of the mind
The way of integration and balance
The way of soul
The way of love
Our time will move in sync with the cyclical Lunar Wisdom of the New Moon on our first gathering, through all the phases waning back toward New. We will attune with the living wisdom of creation, from the planets that guide and inform at the macro level to the smallest fungi at the micro. We will practice listening from our bodies, hearts and living energy and to the rest of the natural world. There will be orienting markers and practices shared that lead us into the fullness of what we are, interconnected with all of Life.
We will attune to the cyclical nature and meaning of the planetary transit and archetype at the time of each module from the wisdom of Human Design and the Gene Keys. These connected modalities hold the codes of our evolutionary consciousness, revealing how we are imprinted by planetary bodies in relationship with the earth.
Week One: October 25
Theme: In the Beginning
Archetype: The Darkness Whisperer
Element: Air
The course begins with an orientation to the invisible ecology connecting us with our fullness and the deep time web of belonging. We will look at the sacred feminine as our primordial belonging and origins, and how archaeology and anthropology reveal the original feminine ways that shaped an egalitarian society. We gather on the New Moon, attentive to the lunar wisdom that invites intention and initiation into what is emergent in our lives and in our culture evolving from our deep past. We learn to be in relationship with the unseen patterns that shape us as well as the guidance that comes from the invisible realm, planted within the sacred dark.
Week Two: November 1
Theme: Karmic Relationships
Archetype: Pattern Interrupter
Element: Earth
The land, stones and mountains which hold ancestral wisdom gained over billions of years are part of the ecology connecting us with our lineages. On this waxing moon, we gather on the sacred Celtic feast day of Samhain. A time set aside to re-member and honor ancestors and the liminal spaces that invite us to cross over into the other world. Through practices and orientations, we cross over into the world of intuition, the imaginal, and heart-based knowing to connect with our ancestral and spiritual lineages. We will be led by the reality that we are more than a solitary individual, but are a microcosm of time and experiences that transcend our own. At this stage of consciousness, we are called to be pattern interrupters, to heal and transmute what no longer serves.
Week Three: November 8
Theme: The Spark Within
Archetype: The Divine Creative
Element: Fire
On this full moon and lunar eclipse, we welcome the eclipse as a harbinger of change, and the full moon as an aspect of our own fullness. Within all of us is a primal creative force that we may feel we can’t access because of conditioning and the long roots of patriarchy and control. And yet there is a spark within us ready to be fully lit to allow our radiance to shine through. This module is about staying true to our own inner authority and power, what it feels like, where it is located, how it is connected with our creative wisdom. The world needs our unique medicine, our distinct unique gifts, in service to the needs of a time of breakdown and emergence.
Week Four: November 15
Theme: Integration
Archetype: The Listener Within
Element: Water
This module is guided by the waning moon, tuning us toward our deeper wisdom, and the wisdom within all of nature. This is a receptive energy that opens to ‘what is’ in every moment. It does not effort or try to fix things. We learn to listen with all of our senses, with our whole body, for what life is bringing forward in this moment. We will integrate what has come forward during these four weeks for our path forward, opening to whatever is ready to release to bring forward new ways of knowing and being in the world.
Program Hosts
​Valerie Luna Serrels is a co-founder and Director of the Wild Church Network, founder and guide of Shenandoah Valley Church of the Wild, and offers eco-spiritual guidance through interwoven modalities in the way of the sacred feminine through her organization, Hagia Sophia. She is a trained spiritual guide, Reiki practitioner, Human Design and Gene Keys guides, and energy worker. She is the author of the chapter, “Restorative Justice With the Earth,” in the book Listening to the Movement: Essays on New Growth and New Challenges in Restorative Justice. She is mother and crone, in awe of her five incredible grown children (how does that happen so fast?) and one grandchild.
Joy Celeste Crawford is a long time Eco-Spiritual Guide living in intimate relationship with Earth and the Divine Feminine. She is founder of the Spiritual Life Center of Virginia, LLC, and co-founder of Church of the Wild James River, and Kindred Project - a weekly international contemplative prayer gathering. As a beekeeper and forager of wild medicinal plants, Joy is a keen observer of the cyclical consciousness that flows through all Sacred Earth Community. She holds Masters degrees in Theology and Christian Education, an Eco-Ministry Certificate from Seminary of the Wild, and a Certificate in Spiritual Guidance from the Shalem Institute where she also serves on staff. Joy offers individual and group spiritual guidance and retreats online and from her home in rural Virginia where she lives with her husband and dog on the banks of the James River, known before European colonization as the Powhatan River and ancestral home to the Native American Monacan people. She is mother of two fierce and gentle adult daughters.