More About Us

A warm welcome and deep bow to you for your journey that has led you here. I'm the founder and guide of Hagia Sophia and Shenandoah Valley Church of the Wild. I see guidance as a relationship between my intuitive wisdom attuning with yours, your soul and mine, and with nature and the invisible realms. I see life as initiation into the deeper reality of who we are. My initiation into life as a threshold began through love and through shadow. Love of God, of family, my husband, each of my five children and my grandchild, and of the moon and stars and trees and animals. Each one a doorway into greater openness and awareness. And through trauma, deep grief and loss, befriending my shadow. Gradually, the "self work" I'd set out to address through my life became less about fixing myself, and more about awakening to my innate wholeness - softening, re-membering, releasing, allowing change from the inside out.
My path of transformation is tied with encounters with nature and place, and with the mystical and the subtle realm of energy and soul. Liminal encounters that opened me to the Real behind the real. As fixed ideas and opinions fall away about how the world works, and who or what God is, something within me expanded. I was led into the worlds of energy fields and soul, the divine feminine, ancestral connection, Celtic spirituality, and a body of wisdom transmissions called the Gene Keys. My path led to the teachers and mentors I needed, and still receive from, some of them listed below. Others of my teachers have been trees and other not human creatures.
A background in conflict transformation and restorative justice allow me to apply the underlying systems principles beneath these fields to the inner world. Following years of activism in the climate movement and politics, my path shifted toward the inner sciences, the journey from knowledge to wisdom, for individual and cultural transformation. What we see on the surface level of life as structures, forms, and systems originate from an unseen dimension of life, beneath the surface. The interior and invisible realms. What we see with the eye is simply not all there is.
I am committed to the paths of embodied spiritual awakening, not just for personal wholeness, or to feel good, but to participate in the Great Change emerging in this world. Toward creating systems based in justice, inclusion, cooperation, compassion and kindness. The beautiful truth is that as we awaken to, and live out of, our innate wholeness, our fullness, this then allows opening and movement for the vibration and reality of Love to emerge, transforming those around us, as well as the collective. Everything is interconnected. Whatever has brought you here, it is a holy door, inviting you to enter.

M.A. Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding with focus on Restorative Justice. Eastern Mennonite University
Spiritual Direction graduate - Spiritual Direction Institute Harrisonburg/Charlottesville
Graduate of the School of Earth & Soul (John Philip Newell)
Reiki Attunement levels I and II
Two years of energy healing and courses with spiritual teachers Annie Browning and Annmarie Early (Common Awakening)
One year medicine wheel path - Sacred Passages with Tammy LaDrew
Animas Valley Institute training the Way of Council and Art of Mirroring
Soul Psychology modules with Annemarie Early, Fernand Poulin and Tammy LaDrew
Gene Keys Guide
Apprenticeship with Sorrow course graduate (Francis Weller)
Healing Collective Trauma course graduate (Thomas Hubl)